Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Who wants Michael Vick?

By Scott

The controversy that is Michael Vick, is scheduled to be released from federal prison in Leavenworth, Kan. tomorrow, to home confinement in Hampton, VA.  The talk of Vick's release has already created a media stir, and once the former Falcons QB officially becomes a free man, the national media will likely ignite a nuclear media-explosion.  

First, Vick will need to meet with Commissioner Roger Goodell before he can officially be reinstated into the league, that is, if Goodell believes that Vick shows honest "remorse". Goodell's reputation as a no nonsense commissioner should make for an interesting process. But, whatever Goodell does, he should endure plenty of criticism from those who believe he is being too harsh on Vick, and those who believe Vick should never be forgiven for the heinous crimes he committed and he does not deserve reinstatement.
But, hypothetically, Vick is reinstated within the next few weeks.  Who are some potential suitors, and more importantly who will actually sign Vick and absorb the media circus that will follow?  There's no doubt that every coach in the NFL would love to have Vick on their team, especially for the low price he'll probably be signed for, but not many are willing to take on the baggage that Vick brings to their locker room.  This eliminates a large portion of the league. Regardless, let's take a look at a few potential suitors for Vick:

San Francisco 49ers:  They've have serious problems finding success at quarterback. Trent Dilfer (whom I actually defend as a good quarterback, but still), Tim Rattay, J.T. O'Sullivan, Ken Dorsey, Alex Smith, and you get the picture.  Vick would give the Niners a potent rushing/passing attack with a nucleus of Vick, Frank Gore, and rookie WR Michael Crabtree.  

Seattle Seahawks:  The first big draw for Vick to play in Seattle is the small market atmosphere.  Well, Seattle isn't a small market, but they are located a few thousand miles away from Atlanta, and more importantly New York, the media capital of the world.  And, Seattle doesn't exactly make the headlines of Sporscenter everday.  Matt Hasselbeck is coming up on 34 years old and struggles to stay healthy on a yearly basis.  The Seahawks showcase a solid core of young receivers including Nate Burleson, Deion Branch, and TE John Carlson.  And remember, Vick's head coach in Atlanta, Jim Mora Jr., is now the main man in Seattle.

Carolina Panthers:  The Panthers apparently decided that Jake Delhomme is the answer for them at quarterback after giving him a generous extension this offseason (remember the last game Delhomme played in?).  Delhomme was a nice story in 2003 when he led the Panthers to a loss in Super Bowl 38, but has not led them to much success since.  Adding Vick would give Carolina some serious offensive firepower.  Deangelo Williams, Jonathan Stewart, Steve Smith, and Michael Vick would frighten opposing defenses.

Jacksonville Jaguars:  David Garrard has the build of a linebacker and the arm strength of a robot, but he doesn't have what it takes to take the Jags to the Super Bowl.  Obviously, their receiving corps have been nothing short of awful the last few seasons, but Garrard has not shown any ability to make the players around him better; something a championship quarterback must possess.  While Vick may not be able to do so either, his upside is much more exciting than Garrard's, and the Jaguars need something to spark their underproducing offense.

It's almost impossible to predict where Vick will end up considering how many factors will go into his potential suitors.  Many Owners and GMs simply won't be in favor of bringing an ex-convict straight out of prison onto their squad, which eliminates a large portion of the league. So, as a shot in the dark, I think there's a decent chance he ends up with either San Francisco or Seattle, with Seattle getting the edge because of Vick's connection with Mora.  Don't be surprised to see the Redskins or Bills jump into the mix.

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